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Formatting Property of Heat Map Chart

* Formatting Settings Menu:-

  • The Formatting properties are used to control and apply all the information appearance in Heat Map chart through the categories of General Properties.

* General Properties:-

  • The General settings used to add Chart Title, Global Thousand & Decimal Separatopr, Color & Theme Property, Chart Tooltip, Include Null Value and etc....

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* Category Axis:-

  • Category Axis

  • The Category Axis Property used to modify the Category Axis of Chart by changing Category Type, Category Labels and Category Font Property.

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* Value Axis:-

  • Value Axis

  • The Value Axis Property used to modify Value Axis of Chart using Value Property, Value Labels, Value Font Property, Value Ticks, VAlue Grid, VAlue Line, etc....

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* Legend Properties:-

  • Legends’s properties are used to add legends to the pie chart and apply user required appearance settings to legends.

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To know more about other formatting properties of Radar Chart click on below links:-

1. General Properties

2. Category Axis Property

3. Value Axis Property

4. Legend Properties

In order to understand in detail about Heat Map Chart, click on the following links:-

I. Create Heat Map Chart